Who are you?

I'm a 3rd Chemical Engineering (graduating in 2021) student at the University of Waterloo

What are you interested in?

I have a wide variety of both personal and professional interests!

Professional: Vehicle Aerodynamics, Generative Design, Automation, and Security

Personal: Strategy Games, Bouldering, Reading Biographies, and Philosophizing

What is the point of this website?

I have a few goals in mind here:

1. Provide a portfolio of my projects and accomplishments to prospective employers

2. Provide myself with a platform to write about topics that interest me (probably a mix of strategy games, things I'm working on, and philosophy)

3. Give myself an outlet for creative and free form writing going into the New Year. I figure if I set this up now, I won't be able to use the no platform excuse

You've interested me. How can I contact you?

My email is available at the bottom of each page of this website. As well, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn